Right Clicking

Gate, Decal, Flipper, Spinner, Timer, Bumper, Kicker, Plunger, TextBox, EMReel

All Have 3 options to choose from when you right click on them.

Lets go over Draw in Back First.

Lets say we added a light 1st to the table & then a wall over the light.Like This,and these are the spots that we want the objects in. but the wall is in the way to edit the light.

So we need to select the wall & right click on it & select the option Draw in Back now the light is in front of the wall.


So now we are done with our light & want to edit the wall. select the Wall & right click on it & select the option Draw in Front. now the wall is Back in front of the light.

Only the view is changing but not the vertical position.


Lock is for Locking the objects to a table, It locks them in place, so you don't have to worry about accidentally moving them.

Lets say we wanted to lock the light & wall we were just editing. click & drag the mouse over both items.

while they are hilighted right click the mouse over them. & select Lock from the options.
now the are both Locked.


If you need to unlock them follow the same steps & select Lock again. It will have a check by it showing they are locked.

Ramp, Wall, Target, TriggerCustom, TriggerCircle, LightCustom, LightCircle

All Have 9 options to choose from when you right click on them. 3 we already covered.

Note: Trigger ShapeCircle & Light ShapeCircle have no Add Point right click options.

Flip X

Using a triangle to show this. Click on the triangle to hilight it.

Select The Triangle & Right click over the Triangle & select Flip X
and this is what you get. It Flipped The X Coordinates.

Flip Y

Using a triangle again to show this. Click on the triangle to hilight it.Right click over the Triangle & select Flip Y
and this is what you get. It Flipped The Y Coordinates.

Rotate - Used to rotate objects

Using a triangle again to show this. Click on the triangle to hilight it.
Right click over the Triangle & select Rotate

where the 0 is enter 180.

Center X & Y are showing the location of the triangle on the table. And the center for rotation.

and this is what you get. It Rotated The Triangle 180 Degrees.


Scale - used to resize objects


Using a triangle again to show this. Click on the triangle to hilight it.

Right click over the Triangle & select Scale. It will open the Scale box.

In Scale X where the 1 is enter 2 & then click ok.


Note:Center X & Y are showing the location of the triangle on the table.


And you get a triangle Twice as big.



Square Scaling Unchecked

Using the triangle thats twice as big to show this. Click on the triangle to hilight it.Right click over the Triangle & select Scale. It will open the Scale box.

Take the check out of Square Scaling ..

Enter .5 for Scale X & Enter 1 for
Scale Y

Note:Center X & Y are showing the location of the triangle on the table.

.5 was half & 1 was the same.



Translate - used to move objects

Using a triangle again to show this. Click on the triangle to hilight it.

Right click over the Triangle & select Translate. It will open the Translate box.

Select 50 in Offset X

Grid Size was set to 50 in Table Options. so it moved 1 whole grid square.

X - Left & Right

Y - Up & Down


It moved it 50 Units on the grid to the right.


Add Point - used to add editing Points to objects for changing shapes.

Using a triangle again to show this. Click on the triangle to hilight it.Right click over the Triangle & select Add Point .

Right click closer to the spot you want a Point.

A point was added to the Left Center of the Triangle.

Select The point by left clicking on it & holding.
& drag it with the mouse & let go of button when its at the spot you want it.


Editor - Learn the Basics of the Visual Pinball Editor. Menu Bar Functions - Importing Images & Sounds.

Table Options - Ball Color - This explains Table options, importing a ball image & Changing ball color.

Right Click Options - Explains All Right Clicking Options for All Objects.

Building a simple Sling Shot - Learn how to make a slingshot from scratch using a basic wall.

Decals - Explains Decal Options, & shows how to import an image for a decal. Pinball DemoDecal

Plungers & Kickers - How to use a Plungers & Kickers & a Simple Pinball Demo.

Walls & Targets - Explains Walls & Targets. Pinball Demo1

Lights Collections - Learn how to use lights in a collection using collection manager. Pinball DemoLights

Lights & Bumpers - Learning Light & Bumper States & Lights, Bumpers Option Bar. Pinball Demo2

Gate & Sound Events - Explains Gate options & how to use sound events in keyup & keydown. Pinball Demo2

TextBox & Making Score count - Shows you how to use TextBoxes & AddScore & Dim Score. Pinball Demo3

Ramps - Explains Ramp Options & shows you how to build a simple Ramp. Pinball Demo4

Spinners - Explains Spinner Options & shows script to make a spinner work. Pinball Demo4

Triggers - Explains Trigger Options & shows script to make a Trigger work. Pinball Demo5

Timers - Explains Timer Options & shows script to make a Timer work. Pinball Demo6

Flippers - Explains Flipper Options & shows script to make a Flipper work. Pinball Demo7

EMReel - Shows you how to use EMReels. Pinball Demo8

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