Editor Objects

Making Light Collections with Collection Manager


Select a group of Lights you want in the collection


On the Options Bar select Table/Collection Manager...


Click Create From Selection

It Creates a collection called Collection1

New - Creates a new Collection

Create From Selection - Creates a collection from the objects you have selected.

Edit - Opens up the Collection Edit Window.

Delete - Deletes selected Collection

Rename - Renames Selected Collection


Using DemoLights.zip  

There are already 2 collections in the file.

From here Select RedLights, & click Edit



Clicking Edit opens up the window below.  

Name - Name of the collection to edit. The name is used to address the object through the script.

Not Included - List objects not in the collection

Included - Lists objects that are in the selected collection.

> - Adds objects to the collection.

< - Takes objects out of the collection.

Up - Moves a selected item up the list.

Down - Moves a selected object down the list.

Fire Events for this collection - ??

Suppress individual events for each member - of the collection


Here is A Visual Pinball Tutorial That demonstrates the script below on Light.State

Script is Green so you know it's script.

Using DemoLights.zip

"For Each" support in script!


For each light in RedLights
light.State = LightStateOn

Where 'light' is just a temporary name you assign to each element as you use it. This saves the trouble of messing with the size of the collection.

Note: These are the Keycodes used in the script from the above demo that change the light states.

If keycode = PlungerKey Then

'This section will turn scripted lights to the Off State when Plunger/Enter is released

If keycode = LeftFlipperKey Then
PlaySound "FlipperDown"

'This section will turn scripted lights to the on State when LeftFlipper/Left Shift is pressed

If keycode = RightFlipperKey Then
PlaySound "FlipperDown"

'This section will turn scripted lights to the Blinking State when RightFlipper /Right Shift is pressed

'States are as followed 0 = LightStateOff so you can type 0 or LightStateoff
' 1 = LightStateon
' 2 = LightStateBlinking

'************************* Array
'Using an array to change a group of light states

LightsArray = Array(Light1,Light2,Light3,Light4,Light5,Light6,Light7,Light8)
For a = 0 to 7 'a can be any letter 0 to 7 = 8 lights
LightsArray(a).State=2 'makes the 8 lights blink

'************************* Collections
'The Green Lights & Red Lights & Blue Lights are Collections of lights
'To see their collection, In the Editor select
'Table / Collection Manager (Select a collection) / Edit

' Collection Using "For Each" support!
For Each Light in GreenLights
Light.state = LightStateBlinking 'or 2

For Each Light in Redlights
Light.State=2 'or LightStateBlinking 'These are the 3 red lights above the flippers

'It can also be done like this but the "For Each" is simpler
For a = 0 to 11 '0 to 11 = 12 lights, 0 counts as the 1st number
BlueLights(a).State=2 'these are the 12 BlueLights blinking clockwise

'************************* Setting Lights
'And The most time consuming way to control your lights (lots of typing :)
Dim Red12Lights(11)

Set Red12Lights(0) = r1
Set Red12Lights(1) = r2
Set Red12Lights(2) = r3
Set Red12Lights(3) = r4
Set Red12Lights(4) = r5
Set Red12Lights(5) = r6
Set Red12Lights(6) = r7
Set Red12Lights(7) = r8
Set Red12Lights(8) = r9
Set Red12Lights(9) = r10
Set Red12Lights(10) = r11
Set Red12Lights(11) = r12

For a = 0 to 11 '0 to 11 = 12 lights
Red12Lights(a).State=2 'these are the 12 Red Lights blinking counter clockwise


Editor - Learn the Basics of the Visual Pinball Editor. Menu Bar Functions - Importing Images & Sounds.

Table Options - Ball Color - This explains Table options, importing a ball image & Changing ball color.

Right Click Options - Explains All Right Clicking Options for All Objects.

Building a simple Sling Shot - Learn how to make a slingshot from scratch using a basic wall.

Decals - Explains Decal Options, & shows how to import an image for a decal. Pinball DemoDecal

Plungers & Kickers - How to use a Plungers & Kickers & a Simple Pinball Demo.

Walls & Targets - Explains Walls & Targets. Pinball Demo1

Lights Collections - Learn how to use lights in a collection using collection manager. Pinball DemoLights

Lights & Bumpers - Learning Light & Bumper States & Lights, Bumpers Option Bar. Pinball Demo2

Gate & Sound Events - Explains Gate options & how to use sound events in keyup & keydown. Pinball Demo2

TextBox & Making Score count - Shows you how to use TextBoxes & AddScore & Dim Score. Pinball Demo3

Ramps - Explains Ramp Options & shows you how to build a simple Ramp. Pinball Demo4

Spinners - Explains Spinner Options & shows script to make a spinner work. Pinball Demo4

Triggers - Explains Trigger Options & shows script to make a Trigger work. Pinball Demo5

Timers - Explains Timer Options & shows script to make a Timer work. Pinball Demo6

Flippers - Explains Flipper Options & shows script to make a Flipper work. Pinball Demo7

EMReel - Shows you how to use EMReels. Pinball Demo8

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